[python-advocacy] Best place for Python code hosting

Paul Boddie paul at boddie.org.uk
Thu Jun 7 23:13:02 CEST 2007

On Thursday 07 June 2007 16:04, Stephan Deibel wrote:
> Trac is a pain to manage -- I got really tired of dealing w/ wiki and bug
> tracker spam on pydotorg.python.org and was unable to control spam without
> shutting down self-service account creation.

Having any public Internet service of this nature involves fairly strict 
measures to prevent spam. Obviously MoinMoin has some anti-spam measures, and 
there was talk of introducing SpamBayes into the MoinMoin editing pipeline to 
reduce the impact of spam still further: currently, the python.org Wiki 
requires regular intervention from volunteers to keep the content clean.

I envisage a few initiatives here:

  * Increased SpamBayes integration with various Python systems, eg. MoinMoin,
    Roundup, Trac, etc.

  * Some user registration interoperability between such common Python-based

  * Snapshots of user-edited content for reference purposes: being able to
    refer people to the useful python.org Wiki content without the risk of it
    being heavily spammed when they visit it. (Read some of the Wikipedia
    horror stories for sufficient justification here.)

It would be great to see these initiatives moved forward in some way, and this 
might make an interesting sprinting opportunity for EuroPython [*] if there 
are enough interested parties attending.


[*] Monday 9th - Wednesday 11th July, Vilnius, Lithuania. Early registration 
deadline is the end of Friday (CET)!

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