[python-advocacy] virtual servers for Python user groups

Stephan Deibel sdeibel at wingware.com
Tue Jun 5 16:25:04 CEST 2007

Brad Allen wrote:
> It would probably be a good topic to bring up on the new user group organizers
> list, but I don't think that list has been formally announced yet and I am not
> sure how many people/groups have yet joined. I guess I will ping that list to
> see if anyone is there yet...

The mailing list should certainly be announced widely before starting discussion
and I'm pretty sure neither of the two lists was announced.  Was the users group
blog also not announced beyond the advocacy and user group lists?

FWIW, I've just linked them all into here:


It's quite possible that more pages should be added to python.org for things
like "Starting a Users Group" and only the listing of groups left in the wiki,
but I just added the info there for now.

This email seems rather cross-posted, but I'm leaving the reply list as
is.  Sorry for any duplicates!

- Stephan

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