[python-advocacy] LinkedIn Python Developers?

Grig Gheorghiu grig at gheorghiu.net
Mon Jan 22 02:52:40 CET 2007

Good idea. I'm on LinkedIn already (search for Grig Gheorghiu). I'm OK
with being a hub for Python developers for now, to get things started


--- Tennessee Leeuwenburg <tennessee at tennessee.id.au> wrote:

> I had a thought...
> One way to help spread Python would be to have a strong presence of
> Python
> developers in various online networks. One that springs to mind is
> LinkedIn,
> a job related social networking site.
> If we could encourage Python developers to start adding eachother to
> their
> LinkedIn network, then we shoud be able to create a well-connected
> developer
> network with business and industry contacts. This should benefit
> everyone --
> both people looking for Python developers, and also people looking
> for work.
> Comments?
> Cheers,
> -T
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