[python-advocacy] Looking for new Python Success Stories editor(s)

Stephan Deibel sdeibel at wingware.com
Tue Feb 27 19:41:23 CET 2007


I'm looking for someone to replace me as the editor of the Python  
Success Stories collection.
I've got two stories in the pipeline that I am just not getting to  
and it's time for me to step back
from this role.

The work can be a minimum of processing the self-submitted stories  
(about 4-5 per year, 2 hours each) or much more if you want to try to  
pursue doing more printed booklets w/ O'Reilly, actively request  
stories from prominent Python users, and improve how the stories are  
stored, content franchised, and consumed/displayed on python.org.  I  
can provide guidance and info as needed.

This is fairly important, I think, in that these stories help  
legitimize Python in the minds of
big IT groups that incorrectly think Python is a marginalized niche  

Any takers here or suggestions of who might be interested?


Stephan Deibel
Advancing Software Development


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