[python-advocacy] The first of what should be millions of advocates have been armed.

A.M. Kuchling amk at amk.ca
Fri Apr 13 15:09:37 CEST 2007

On Wed, Apr 11, 2007 at 05:56:23PM -0500, Chris McAvoy wrote:
> If the only place that this sort of story gets tied back to Python is
> daily-python-url, we're in trouble, as that's the definition of
> preaching to the choir.  That picture, along with a blurb about "did
> you know that thing runs python?" would be a great news item.

So, does someone want to write a news item about this?  I have no idea
what to say.

BTW, for people who check out a copy of the web tree and build tools:
new-build/rss/ contains some scripts to download RSS feeds so that
python.org pages can display feed items.  Can someone please mock up a
python.org that uses these feeds?  For example, the top page could
display a selection of recent PyPI uploads, or the news page could
include recent Python-URL posts.


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