[python-advocacy] A Call to Arms for Python Advocacy (Wearables)

Jeff Rush jeff at taupro.com
Sat Dec 16 07:22:15 CET 2006

Tarek Ziadé wrote:
> On 12/13/06, Jeff Rush:
>     Tarek Ziadé wrote:
>      >
>      > On 12/7/06, Jeff Rush wrote:
>      >
>      >     These works are to be formed into advocacy kits for various
>      >     audiences.  So far we have the following ideas for kits:
>      >     [snip]
>      >
>      > perhaps a local python user group advocacy kit ?   a PSF kit that
 >      >
> When we started our LUG here, we had a lot of thaughts on how to 
> efficiently promote Python and attract people to our meetings.
> Having a page that gathers good tips from experienced guys that had done 
> this for years would be valuable imho. They are many topics that can be
 > LUG-oriented as well:
> - How to do/organize a sprint
> - How to synchronize the LUG work (like doc writing) with PSF needs
> - ...

Thanks Tarek.  I've added a wiki page for collecting those ideas underneath 
the whitepaper topic at:


>      > also, I think we could have a european store for shirts ,
>      > like the caffepress one, to lower the prices for european people
>      > and the deliver time. because in europe most Python developers
 >      > won't pay 30$ for a simple shirt, that comes 3 weeks later
>     I've added your suggestion to the top of the advocacy page,
>     http://wiki.python.org/moin/Advocacy but we need european input on
>     possible
>     online stores and which ones would serve them best.
> Yes, I have found and proposed http://www.comboutique.com/ some times ago.
> Didn't find any other yet. Anyways, I volunteer to help out on this 
> topic if you need someone
> to set it up.

I've checked them out and they look pretty good.  They take care of a lot of 
customer issues, and their prices look a bit better than CafePress, if I 
understand the currency conversion rate.

I've gone ahead and opened a shop, with the basic template and no products yet:


I need to run this past the Python Software Foundation board before we proceed 
further, since it involves money and the PSF's reputation.

Assuming approval, anyone want to play "Python Shopkeeper" and round up 
designs, decide colors and offerings, and so forth?  For both Cafe Press and 
Comboutique - I think we'd want to offer the same products where possible.

We'll also need some help changing the site from the basic template to 
something more 'Pythonic'.  I'm not sure yet how flexible they are.


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