[python-advocacy] Conference white paper

Aahz aahz at pythoncraft.com
Thu Dec 14 20:00:53 CET 2006

On Thu, Dec 14, 2006, A.M. Kuchling wrote:
> I've volunteered to write the "How to Start and Run a Successful
> Python Conference" whitepaper, and need to clarify the audience for it.
> What sort of events should the paper be discussing (in terms of length
> and # of attendees)?  A 10-person sprint?  A 30-person half-day series
> of talks?  A 100-person weekend event?  A PyCon-sized event?

The issues that most need addressing in a paper of this sort IMO have to
do with the logistics of finding (and possibly paying for) space and
managing time over multiple days.

I think I would also s/Conference/Event/

> I doubt many people will set out to run PyCon-sized events, and
> there's a lot of ground to cover for something of that scale.  A
> smaller event seems more likely, something like a day-long one-track
> series of talks, perhaps accompanied by a sprint the next day.  Does
> that seem reasonable?
> Should I assume that events will be run with very little funding?

What I would assume is that the event will be run mostly on volunteer
labor -- I would expect that funding is widely variable.  For example,
the Google and Need For Speed sprints have IMO a lot in common with PyCon
despite lots of money and even some professional help organizing.
Aahz (aahz at pythoncraft.com)           <*>         http://www.pythoncraft.com/

Member of the Groucho Marx Fan Club  

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