[python-advocacy] Python Advocacy - Side-by-Side Comparison of Algorithms

Jeff Rush jeff at taupro.com
Wed Dec 13 20:28:03 CET 2006

Taro wrote:
> PLEAC -- pleac.sourceforge.net <http://pleac.sourceforge.net> -- is a 
> multi-language implementation of the code in the Perl Cookbook 
> v1.  The Python section is currently the healthiest at over 85% (Perl's
 > is of course at 100%), but there's still an annoying 14+%
> left to complete.  In addition, with the release of  
> 2.5 there's probably nicer ways of doing some of the existing recipes, 
> plus some of the recipes haven't been updated for 2.4.  The 14% 
> remaining is at the more onerous/difficult/obscure/platform-specific end 
> of the spectrum - it's mostly high-hanging fruit - but it would be good 
> if it were completed.
> Anyway - could you please add it as a project to the Advocacy pages, on 
> the theory that sometimes showing them the code works [I was surprised 
> at just how many of the recipes were much nicer in Python than Perl, 
> incidently]

Taro, thanks for bringing this to my attention.  It will be a useful source of 
side-by-side source comparisons for the advocacy site.  I should be able to 
mechanically parse and integrate the format with a bit of code.

I've added to the suggestions section of the advocacy site a call for 
volunteers to finish up the remaining portion:

"Help complete the remaining 15% of Python-equivalent recipes (and review the 
existing 85% for being current with Python 2.5) of the [WWW] Programming 
Language Examples Alike Cookbook, a side-by-side comparison of algorithms in 
different programming languages based on the Perl Cookbook."


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