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Some portions of the website are made available in multiple languages thanks the volunteered efforts of translators. This document identifies those portions of the site and describes how translators can contribute.

List of Translated Portions

The following portions of the site currently contain translated material:

Additional portions of the site may be offered in translation should contributors step forward and are willing to maintain translations.

How to Contribute

For each translation, we can create a secondary directory structure held in directories named using a two-letter language identifier. Links to the translations will be made from the directory index page to the index of the translations directory as appropriate, and entries will be made in the non-English resources list.

For each directory that represents a page to be translated, the local:content:text attribute in the content.yml file identifies the file which contains that page's content:

--- !fragment
# Type of template to use
template: content.html

# The data to pass to the template
    breadcrumb: !breadcrumb nav.yml nav
    text: !restfile content.rst

In the example above, the content is in ReStructured Text format in a file named content.rst. This is the file that should be translated. For details on gaining access to the site content, see the Pydotorg Maintainers Site for details on checking out the site files from Subversion.

Learning About Site Changes

Translations should contain version metadata to identify which version of a file was last translated. (Form still TBD.)

Since the site content is maintained in Subversion all you need to do to identify changes is to check the differences between the revision that was translated and the current revision of the file.